Interview with a Field Service Manager at Coperion France

Flavien started in Coperion Field Service back in 2006. Since then he has gained lots of interesting experiences!

What has been your most exciting assignment so far?

Bigger projects are always a welcoming challenge to learn and grow. For example, I was once involved in a big commissioned project of a huge material handling system with more than 60 receivers and lots of additional equipment for in total 6 conveying systems. This required a lot of coordination and work, but we managed to do the job in time. In general, I have very fond memories of my assignments in the Middle East between 2012-2014. I successfully managed onsite projects alone and gained a lot of experiences.

Which assignment has shaped your life?

I believe that all of my assignments have shaped me in one way or the other. When I started my career in service back in 2006, I immediately knew that this was the right choice for me! And my first placement outside of Europe (in Pakistan) really gave me the taste of adventure. This is a very nice aspect of my job!

What do you tell your friends when you talk about your travels and assignments? 

My friends are always curious about my assignments outside of Europe. I’m very lucky that I have the chance to experience foreign cultures. It definitely keeps it interesting in the long run!

What does your day-to-day work look like? 

Like in any other job, I do have a certain routine. I regularly give technical assistance to customers and colleagues, for example when it comes to picking the right spare parts. Moreover, I support customers by phone and answer any kind of technical questions they might have. In addition, I follow up on maintenance contracts, sell spare parts, coordinate service jobs and attend meetings with the sales department. But I am always aware that I might receive an urgent call from a customer and leave on the road if necessary. Therefore, I always keep my tools in the car.

What cultures were most impressive and have you had an embarrassing experience when it comes to cultural behavior? 

I cannot think of any embarrassing cultural experiences, but sometimes it’s different from what I expected. 15 years ago, I had an assignment at the West Coast of Africa as I managed the modernization of a petrochemical site. When I arrived at the airport I got escorted to the site by the military and there were army guards all around the plant. That was a strange feeling!

Each assignment or country is full of surprises. I was really impressed by the beautiful landscape of Chile and the friendly and welcoming people in Morocco. 

Which of your strengths can you use best at Coperion?

I’ve always been good at solving problems! I love to adapt to complicated or new situations on the site.

What has been your biggest lesson and learning in your job?

Whenever a problem occurs on the site, I try to remember that we are all in the same boat! The customer and I have the same interest which is finding a solution. Therefore, we work together as a team what I really like and appreciate this about field service!

What makes working at Coperion special for you? 

I’m a fan of Coperion technology and I’m convinced that we offer high-quality equipment and services! This is a good basis and definitely makes my day-to-day work more pleasant. And Coperion France has really become like a second family for me. I know my colleagues well and really enjoy working and spending time with them!