Coperion Plastics InFocus Newsletter


Plastics Recycling: Plastcompactor HV for Agglomerating a Wide Variety of Materials

Increasing Bulk Density, at Minimal Thermal Impact

Herbold Meckesheim - Plastkompaktor HV
Herbold Meckesheim Plastcompactor HV combines high throughput and low wear costs with a fully automatic control system.

HV plastcompactors can be used to agglomerate a wide variety of materials into products of high bulk density: thermoplastics such as fibers, fine particles, small tapes, foams, stretch or thin films, powders or shavings, as well as plastics that are difficult to convey, stock or mix.

The HV 70 plastcompactor is the most powerful of the series from Herbold Meckesheim. It processes the feedstock in continuous operation between a rotating and a fixed compactor disk, which are equipped with screwed-on and easily exchangeable kneading bars.

Through the center of the stator disc, a stepless adjustable feeding screw continuously transports granulated material from the buffer silo into the working zone in a controlled manner. Since the rapidly warmed up material leaves the compactor zone within fractions of a second, the thermal impact on the plastic is very low. The process is regulated by two degrees of freedom – both by the speed of the screw and by the distance between the disks.

Compactors are often installed downstream of washing lines: Here, the moist material is heated in the compactor zone to such an extent that the moisture escapes. With a subsequent agglomeration – in conjunction with a secondary granulator and a classifier – residual humidity of less than one percent can be achieved, allowing direct further processing in an injection molding machine or an extruder. The HV 70 from Herbold Meckesheim combines high throughput and low wear costs with a fully automatic control system in which settings for different feedstocks can be recorded. Thanks to performance and temperature monitoring, the process is controlled in such a way that only a minimum of personnel is required.

Herbold Meckesheim  - agglomeriertes Material

Your Contact

  • Achim Ebel

    Vice President Sales, Herbold Meckesheim GmbH

  • Hannah Sofie Adler

    Assistent to Vice President Sales, Herbold Meckesheim GmbH
