Test Centers for Food and Petfood Processing

Test Center für die Herstellung von Food and Tiernahrung

Discover our test lab capabilities for advanced testing of any food and petfood processing application.


Test Capabilities for Various Food and Petfood Processing Application

Coperion provides test labs for feeding and extrusion applications, food components and conveying systems. These test labs are the ideal platform for advanced testing of any challenge in a production plant, such as product behavior, new formulations, throughput rates or food safety standards. 

Next to the test labs are our laboratories, in which our engineers have access to numerous analysis options to evaluate product quality.

Test Center für Extrusion und Dosierung


  • Test labs in Stuttgart (D), Niederlenz (CH), Sewell (USA), Nanjing (CN), Shanghai (CN)
  • Test lab specially equipped for food and pet food requirements in Stuttgart (D)
  • All feeding equipment available, from volumetric feeders, loss-in-weight feeders, weigh belt feeders and low-rate micro-ingredient feeders to food pelletizing systems
  • A total of 30 extrusion systems permanently available for testing – from laboratory extruder ZSK 18 MEGAlab to ZSK 70
  • Throughputs ranging from 1 kg/h to 2 t/h
  • Laboratories for real-time analyses of product quality
Test Center für Food und Petfood Komponenten und Förderung


  • Test labs in Weingarten (D), Niederlenz (CH), Salina (USA) and Shanghai (CN)
  • Several conveying systems for dilute phase and dense phase conveying
  • More than 50 conveying, blending and separating systems for testing bulk solid properties, such as flow functions, conveying factors, filtration data, wall friction, time and moisture affects, particle shape, size and critical dimensions
  • Archive with more than 10,000 product samples
  • Laboratories for fast analysis of product characteristics and behavior
Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center


  • Adjacent to Coperion K-Tron Salina
  • Partnership consisting of Kansas State University, several government agencies and private companies including Coperion K-Tron
  • Full scale testing and development of bulk solids behavior
  • Full scale bulk solids test bay – full scale systems to include: vacuum and pressure dilute phase, vacuum sequencing, vacuum and pressure vessel dense phase, rotary valve dense phase, batch weighing, silo zone blender, gravity flow, air filtration, feeding, mixing and silo storage 
  • Material properties test lab – bulk solid and particle properties will be evaluated and modeled in a test bench environment 
  • Research areas – five laboratories for university and industry sponsored research
  • Training/education center conference and lecture rooms

Extrusion of Direct Expanded Products in Coperion's Food Test Center

Comprehensive Test Capabilities

Coperion Test Center für Food und Petfood Anwendungen
  • Meat analogues, texturized proteins
  • Breakfast cereals and snacks
  • Candy masses
  • Crumb chocolate/chocolate masses
  • Chewing gum/gum base
  • Pet food/treats
  • Maillard flavors (toasting, roasting, baking, caramel)
  • Encapsulated flavors
  • Modified starches
  • Popcorn
  • Ice cream
  • Soft drink concentrates
  • Bread crumbs
Coperion Test Center für Food und Petfood Anwendungen
  • Herbs/spices/spice blends
  • Functional ingredients
  • Biodegradable materials
  • Starches
  • Vitamins/probiotics/supplements
  • Bakery ingredients
  • Flour, sugar
  • Coffee beans and powder
  • Malt
  • Cocoa beans and powder
  • Salt
  • Rice
  • Tea
  • Tobacco
  • Soy beans
  • Nuts
  • Pectin, gelatin
  • Potato powder
  • Instant powder
Coperion Test Center für Food und Petfood Anwendungen
  • Milk powder
  • Whey powder
  • Lactose
  • Casein
  • Cheese powder
  • Infant formula/baby food
