19 September 2024 | 9-10 AM (Central European Summer Time) / 3-4pm (Singapore Time)

Webinar on Extruder Screw Elements (Date 2)

Join our free webinar of the Coperion Virtual Academy and gain fundamental knowledge in process technology.


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  • Screw Elements in Focus: Learn All About the Fundamentals of Extruder Screw Elements from Our Experts

    Coperion’s ZSK twin screw extruder is highly versatile and can be used for all kinds of applications. The modular process section consists of different process zones which are created alternately as required for conveying, plasticizing, mixing and shearing, homogenizing, devolatilizing and pressure build-up. In this webinar you will not only learn about the different types of screw element designs but also understand their function and effect in the extrusion process.





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