The new ZS-EG easy and the new ZS-B easy permit much faster dismantling from the ZSK process section and the twin screws can be changed very simple. Time for cleaning e.g. for recipe changes decreases obviously.
The design of the ZSK's connection barrel has been optimized for quick changing and allows all four mounting bolts to be simultaneously undone in a circular movement. What's more, the screw shafts can be completely loosened, cleaned, or changed in only a few moves. Cleaning and maintenance times are sharply reduced as a result.
An additional improvement to the new ZS-EG easy is, that it is fitted with radial shaft sealing rings. Thanks to the new seals, there is no longer a vacuum in the gear lanterns, and the service life of the gear-side shaft seal is considerably greater.
With the new gearbox, the ZS-EG side devolatilization can be quickly and easily converted into a ZS-B side feeder. Of course, the same applies in the opposite direction: a ZS-B side feeder can be transformed into a ZS-EG side devolatilization in just a few movements.
ZS-EG easy for best product quality at highest throughput rates
The performance capability of extuders with a conventional top vent barrel can be limited in many cases especially in the extrusion of low-viscous melts and extrusion processes with high gas volumes. The ZS-EG twin screw side devolatilization provides the solution for ZSK extruders. With its large free cross section for the devolatilization, it keeps the melt reliably in the process section during operation without product leakage even at maximum specific torque of the extruder. Throughput increases of up to 30% with, at the same time, considerably improved product quality are possible.
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Side devolatilization ZS-EG and side feeder ZS-B easy to be cleaned even faster
Coperion has completely overhauled both its ZS-EG twin screw side devolatilization unit for the reliable, efficient devolatilization of extrusion processes with ZSK extruders as well as its ZS-B side feeder unit.
Oliver Beiser
Business Segment Manager Engineering Plastics, Coperion, Stuttgart
- email:
- telephone: +49 711 897 3166