Coperion's underwater pelletizer UG - for polyolefin applications with large throughput

For the processing of sticky products and for high throughput rates

Coperion has longtime experience and comprehenisve know-how in the design and implementation of underwater pelletizers for polyolefin production plants with high throughput rates. The UG underwater pelletizer from Coperion is suitable for the pelletizing of most thermoplastics. It is used preferably for the processing of sticky products and for high throughput rates.

Special features and advantages of the Underwater Pelletizer UG

  • Semi-automatic, simple start-up process
  • Fewer personnel required for the start-up process
  • Low pressure build-up due to optimized flow channels
  • Energy saving and gentle product handling
  • Large number of bores per die plate size enables high throughput rates
  • Optimized heating channel system for even and intensive heating of the die plate
  • No freezing of the melts in the die plate bores when starting up
  • Long lives of the die plate and pelletizer knife due to specially developed wear-proof material alloys

Related Industries

  • Plastics
  • Chemicals

Technical data of the UG Underwater Pelletizer

UG UG 300 UG 400 UG 500 UG 525 UG 550 UG 700 UG 725 UG 750 UG 750 W UG 925 UG 1,000 UG 1,250
Max. permissible pressure of the heating medium* [bar] 50 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
Max. knife speed [min-1] 1,2 1 800 800 800 600 600 600 600 400 400 400
Drive power / min. installed motor power [kW] 20 40 70 100 110 120 180 220 250 250 280 320
Max. throughput rate PE [t / h]** 7 22 35   55     70 85   95 125
Max. throughput rate PP [t / h]** 12 25 36 45   58 65 75   90 100  
* = heat medium oil or steam
** = small sizes of the UG are also used for many other applications in addition to PP and PE

Manipulator for Underwater Pelletizers UG

Coperion underwater pelletzier UG 1250 Play video
Easy mounting and dismounting of splash guard and knife rotor


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