Proven Equipment for Your Drying Needs

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Raymond® Flash Drying System

Raymond® Flash Dryers

Raymond® flash dryers are simple to operate and well known for high on-line availability. Designed for use with fine, low to moderately abrasive, non-metallic, sticky, and heat sensitive materials, as well as for flash calcining applications.


  • High thermal efficiency and low power requirements
  • Low capital costs compared to other types of dryers
  • Minimum floor space required
  • Wide range of capacities from 0.5 to 18 tph evaporation
  • Instantaneous moisture removal
  • Rugged, trouble free, low maintenance equipment
  • Safe operation due to only a small quantity of material processed at a time
  • Instant and accurate control of final product moisture

Related Industries

  • Plastics
  • Chemicals
  • Batteries
  • Food & Pet Food
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Minerals

Raymond Flash Drying Systems

The essential components of a basic flash drying system are an air heater, feeder for introduction of the wet material, drying column, cyclone collector, secondary dust collector, vent fan and connective duct work. Raymond flash dryers are provided with automatic temperature, pressure and electrical controls, with burner systems capable of firing natural gas, propane and/or oil. Raymond® flash dryers can also be combined with other functions such as pulverizing, separation, classification and conveying for use in additional process applications.

Various flash drying arrangements

Air Stream Flash Dryers: designed to bring wet dispersible products into contact with a heated high velocity gas stream.

Cage Mill Flash Dryers: utilized with wet, lumpy and dispersible products where the agitation and turbulence created by the cage mill assists in drying of surface moisture.

Imp Mill Flash Dryers: selected when size reduction of the process material is also required.

Flash Calciners: provided when higher product temperatures are required to drive off chemically bound water.

Flash Coolers: appropriate when high temperature process materials need to be cooled and transported to an elevated silo or storage bin.

Raymond flash dryers have been providing processing solutions for the chemical, petrochemical, ceramic, pharmaceutical, food, fertilizer, plastic and other industries worldwide.

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