Test Labs for Compounding & Extrusion

Coperion has the world’s most extensive test labs for compounding and extrusion systems. The modular design of the twin screw extruders permits them to be set up specifically for each test. Depending on the processing task, the latest Coperion developments such as the Feed Enhancement Technology FET, twin screw side devolatilization units ZS‑EG or Coperion K-Tron Bulk Solid Activator ActiFlow™ and Electronic Pressure Compensation EPC are integrated into the test set-up. This allows processes with throughput rates from just a few kg/h up to a medium production scale to be developed or optimized. The Coperion experts convert the test results to production scale with proven scale-up methods.

Key Benefits

  • A total of 30 extrusion systems permanently available for testing – from laboratory extruder ZSK 18 MEGAlab to ZSK 70
  • Throughputs ranging from 1 kg/h to 2 t/h
  • Various ingredient feeder configurations for optimal feeding to the extruder
  • Comprehensive auxiliary equipment for conveying and pelletizing
  • Specially equipped test lab for devolatilization tests in Stuttgart, Germany
  • Laboratories for real-time analyses of product quality
  • Simulation programs for calculating melt flow, optimizing processes and designing individual components


  • Stuttgart, Germany
  • Sewell, New Jersey, USA
  • Nanjing, China

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