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Preventive Wear Diagnostics For Extruder and Compounder Barrels

For many years, Coperion has successfully implemented diagnostic systems to quickly, fully, and meaningfully determine the wear condition of barrels in twin screw extruder process sections.

These preventive wear diagnostic measures allow users to better plan for repair and maintenance measures on ZSK and STS extruders, increase system efficiency, and ensure high extrudate and compound quality.

Preventive wear diagnostics can be carried out cost effectively and expeditiously, for example, as part of routine maintenance by Coperion Service. Pulling the extruder screws out is sufficient for this analysis; dismantling the process section is not necessary. The barrels only need to be clean and cool.

Coperion Barrel Bore Measurement
Wear measurement for large extruders

For large extruders in sizes ZSK 240 through ZSK 420, the analysis system is combined with laser-supported surface measurement. This process precisely measures either the entire internal surface of the process section or selected areas. With the aid of software developed for this purpose, results are processed using the dimensions of the actual wear state and represented in a three-dimensional graphic. Together with the video created during the evaluation, a reliable optical analysis of the barrel condition results.

For ZSK and STS extruders with screw diameters up to 170 mm, analysis is carried out using a barrel bore measurement device and a high-resolution video camera mounted on a slide that has been constructed especially for the barrels. Moving through the extruder process section, the camera images the barrel bore surface in HD quality. The result is a thorough, optical analysis of the barrel bore’s condition that allows potential surface damage to be identified very early.

Coperion Barrel Bore Measurement
Barrel bore measurement

The wear measurement by Coperion Service forms the basis for a detailed risk assessment of ZSK and STS extruders’ screw barrels, enabling preventive identification of deficiencies and disruptions in extruder operation. Repairs can be better planned so that maintenance increases a working machine’s availability with reduced outlay. All in all, wear diagnostics contribute significantly to continuously high product quality.

Your contact

  • Stefan Lachenmayer

    Head of Service Sales, Global Service Compounding & Extrusion

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