Test Centers for Chemical Applications

Discover our test lab capabilities for advanced testing of any processing application for chemical products.

Compounding and Extrusion

  • Test Labs for Compounding & Extrusion

    In Coperion's test centers, all tasks relating to the continuous compounding and extrusion of chemical products can be comprehensively tested. Coperion twin screw extruders are ideally suited for this: They can be individually configured for every process task. Our process engineers always integrate the latest developments from Coperion into the test setups. In this way, we ensure maximum efficiency and consistently high product quality.

    In our pilot plants, we can carry out tests with throughputs from a few kg/h up to medium production scale. With our many years of experience and our reliable scale-up methods, we transfer the results from the tests to your production scale.

    Key Benefits

    • For continuous process solutions, 30 twin screw extruders are available for test worldwide - from the ZSK 18 MEGAlab laboratory extruder to the ZSK 70

    • Throughputs from 1 kg/h to 2 t/h possible

    • Numerous feeders for feeding the ingredients into the extruder avaible

    • Equipment for various conveying and pelletizing solutions

    • Laboratory for prompt analysis of product quality 

    • Simulation programs for calculating the melt behaviour and optimizing the process and individual units


    • Stuttgart, Germany
    • Sewell, New Jersey, USA
    • Nanjing, China

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