Test Centers for Chemical Applications

Discover our test lab capabilities for advanced testing of any processing application for chemical products.

Material Handling

  • Test Labs for Material Handling & Conveying

    We provide our customers with extensively equipped test centers in which the handling of bulk materials can be extensively tested. The properties of different bulk materials during processing can be examined there, as can their behavior with different conveying methods.

    Following the tests, the bulk materials are extensively examined in our affiliated laboratories. Tests from small to industrial scale are possible.  


    • A wide variety of conveying systems are available - from thin-flow to dense-phase conveying with and without a bypass system, hydraulic conveying systems and much more
    • Conveying distances of over 2,000 m for test purposes
    • Conveying up to a capacity of 300 t/h possible
    • Immediate analysis of test results in our affiliated laboratories
    • More than 15,000 bulk material samples in stock
    • Product properties during heating, cooling, drying, homogenizing, mixing, classifying, etc. can be tested
    • Tests on product abrasion and wear possible
    • Tests and design of silos
    • Simulations


    • Weingarten, Germany
    • Niederlenz, Switzerland
    • Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center in Salina, Kansas, USA

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