05 Mai 2021 | 11:00-12:00 Uhr (Eastern Time)

Coperion Virtual Academy - Extrusion of HMMA (America)

Join the free Coperion Webinar of the Coperion Virtual Academy and learn more about different and very interesting topics.


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  • Extrusion of High Moisture Meat Analogues: How to Effectively Create Meat-Like Structures with Plant Proteins

    With a water content of 50-80% the consistency of High Moisture Meat Analogues (HMMA) is very similar to that of lean meat. This provides food manufacturers with a broad range of possibilities when imitating popular meat dishes with plant proteins. In this free webinar, Coperion's food processing experts will explore the technological requirements of high moisture extrusion cooking and give advice on how to set up your production.




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