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  • 10 März 2020

    Production industrie alimentaire : Attention au dosage (in French)

    Infovrac N°225 - Mars 2020

    La fabrication de n'importe quel mélange de produits alimentaires implique généralement les étapes intermédiaires de procédé de transfert et de dosage continu ou par lot des ingrédients en calculant leur pourcentage en poids dans un mélange. En fonction de ce pourcentage, les matière sont divisées en catégories : majeures, mineures et micros. Que peut-on faire pour améliorer le fonctionnement des systèmes de dosage par lots? 

  • 22 Mai 2019

    Chemical Processing E-Handbook: Succeed with Solids

    Chemical Processing

    In our article about solids processes from Mike Plant, Coperion K-Tron UK, you can read more about our smart feeders that enhance detergent-making process - New facility benefits from process controls and equipment that optimize production.

    Download the ebook here

  • 22 März 2019

    Haariges Problem überzeugend gelöst

    CHEMIE TECHNIK, Ausgabe März 2019

    Artikel in der CHEMIE TECHNIK, Ausgabe März 2019, über den Horizontaler Fließbettsichter HFS, der Kunststoffgranulat von Staub und Engelshaar reinigt.

  • 21 Jan. 2019

    „Genauigkeit von einem Moment zum nächsten“

    CHEMIE TECHNIK, Ausgabe Januar/Februar 2019

    Interview in der CHEMIE TECHNIK mit Jay Daniel, Coperion K-Tron, zur Dosiertechnik in kontinuierlicher Produktion

  • 01 Sept. 2018

    Controlling upstream and downstream influences on loss-in-weight feeders

    Powder Bulk Engineering

    Loss-in-weight (LIW) feeder performance is affected by a number of influences, both internal and external to the feeder and feeder process. Understanding the significance of these influences is critical for achieving optimal performance. This article will describe some strategies to help ensure accurate weighinhg with your LIW feeder.

  • 15 März 2018

    Conquering the Main Wear Factors in Diverter Valves

    Powder & Bulk Solids

    A diverter valve is used to divert material from one source to different destinations in a pneumatic conveying system or a gravity pipe. Pellets, granules or fine powders passing through the diverter valve cause wear along the valve's passage, especially with abrasive products as used in the mineral and cement industries. Examples are raw meal, lime, fly ash, bypass dust, clinker, cement, petcoke and lignite to name a few. Diverter valves that have been designed with main wear factors in mind make it possible to convey even highly abrasive powder bulk materials economically and reliably. They also enjoy a long service life and are easy to maintain.

  • 18 Sept. 2017

    Das Potenzial der Energieeffizienz

    K-Magazin 4/2017

    Wie und an welchen Stellen einer Compoundieranlage lassen sich Energieverbrauch und -kosten senken?

  • 01 Juni 2017

    Nut Butter Manufacturer Modernizes Plant Operations

    Food Engineering

    The complete material handling system provided by Coperion K-Tron includes several pneumatic transfer lines for various stages of the peanut butter process. First, raw peanuts are vacuum conveyed direct to a peanut roaster. After the peanuts are roasted, a second line transfers them under vacuum to the blancher. Once the peanuts are blanched, they are then vacuum conveyed to yet another line. There, they are metered via a Coperion K-Tron weigh belt feeder to a screw conveyor, and both sugar and salt are added to the nuts via Coperion K-Tron loss-in-weight feeders.

  • 15 Mai 2017

    Vollautomatisch absacken auf engstem Raum

    cav chemie anlagen verfahren 5/2017

    Basierend auf der langjährigen Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Kunststoff-Compoundierung – insbesondere beim Materialhandling und bei der Extrusion – hat sich Sabic für das Werk in Pontirolo/Italien für eine Coperion-Verpackungslinie sowie eine dazugehörige Palettierinsel entschieden.

  • 15 Mai 2017

    Defining Feeder Accuracy For Continuous Processing

    Processing Magazine

    Continuous processing is a manufacturing practice that has been used in the plastics, chemical and food industries for decades. Although primarily used for liquid processing, the innovations made in dry powder feeder technologies have enabled the use of continuous dry ingredient feeding for a variety of applications.

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