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  • 06 Okt. 2014

    The Paradox of Proportioning

    Plastics Technology Magazine, 10/2015

    Continuous proportioning typically involves a group of gravimetric feeders operating under some form of higher level coordinating control. One would think the result should be a perfectly formulated composite stream. But the devil is in the details.

  • 14 Juli 2014

    Mischvorgänge sichtbar gemacht

    Kunststoffe, 7/2014

    In additiver Fertigung hergestellte Variationen von Knetelementen eines gleichläufigen Doppelschneckenextruders zielen darauf ab, den verfahrenstechnischen Nutzen zu erhöhen. Ein transparentes Gehäuse erlaubt die computergestützte Quantifizierung der Strömungsvorgänge, woraus sich elementspezifische Eigenschaften ableiten lassen.

  • 01 Apr. 2014

    Saratoga Food Specialties: Automatisierte Dosierung und Materialförderung für mehr Effizienz und bessere Produktqualität

    Case Study

    Saratoga Food Specialties in Elmhurst, Illinois, entwickelt und produziert bereits seit über 60 Jahren einzigartige Trockenwürzmischungen. Die Produktpalette von Saratoga umfasst mehr als 500 verschiedene Mischungen. Das Unternehmen verfügt über einen wachsenden Kundenstamm und verfolgt das Ziel, mit optimierten Anlagen Produkte in gleichbleibender Qualität zu liefern. Daher hat man bei Saratoga schnell erkannt, dass man den Ablauf für die Trockenwürzmischungen automatisieren muss. Als ein bedeutender Kunde grössere Mengen an Würzmischung anfragte, wandte Saratoga sich an die Systems Design Group von K-Tron.

  • 09 Sept. 2013

    Schlüsselfertige Compoundieranlagen aus einer Hand

    Kunststoffe, 09/2013

    Anlagenmanagement. Der Weg vom Auftrag zur Übergabe einer fertigen Compoundieranlage stellt Ausrüstungsanbieter vor komplexe Herausforderungen. Neben der Konzeption, der Lieferung bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme gilt es vieles zu berücksichtigen, das weit über die reine Technik hinausgeht.

  • 07 Jan. 2013

    Co-Rotating Fully Intermeshing Twin-Screw Compounding: Advancements for Improved Performance and Productivity

    SPE, 01-2013

    The co-rotating fully intermeshing twin-screw extruder is the primary production unit for compounding of polymer based materials. It also has had a long term presence in processing material in the chemical and food industry and more recently in pharmaceuticals. While this equipment celebrated its 50th anniversary several years ago and might be considered a “mature” technology, it has not experienced a decline in new developments as might be expected, but rather a significant number of advancements continue to evolve. This paper will highlight several significant developments of the past 10 to 15 years. These are the implementation of high torque (power) designs, the use of increased rpm in conjunction with high torque for improved operating flexibility and productivity, and finally a technology breakthrough for feeding difficult to handle low bulk density materials.

  • 08 Jan. 2013

    Nano Direct Process for Compounding of Nanocomposites


    Numerous varieties of polymer nano-composites have been developed on the laboratory scale and characterized regarding their properties. These include, nanofiller based on exfoliated clay, nanosilver, carbon nanotubes (both single and multiple wall geometry), zinc oxide, silica, and graphene among others. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are of particular interest as they play a pecial role when it comes to improving or creating electrical conductivity in a polymer matrix.

  • 03 Okt. 2013

    Chemical Processing

    Conveying and feeding of calcium carbonate in plastics compounding

    Calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) is one of the most popular mineral fillers used in the plastics industry. It is widely available around the world, easy to grind or reduce to a specific particle size, and compatible with a wide range of polymer resins. Plus it’s economical. As an additive in plastic compounds, CaCO₃ helps to decrease the surface energy and provide opacity and surface gloss, which improves the surface finish of the finished product. In addition, when the particle size is carefully controlled, CaCO₃ helps to increase both the impact strength and flexural modulus (stiffness) of the end product.

  • 06 Aug. 2012

    Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics - New feeding technologies

    Compounding World

    Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics are a recent development in newer technologies where PP or thermoplastic material is directly compounded with long glass fibers (rovings) and then molded in one operation. Long Fiber Thermo-plastic technologies are the buzz of the auto industry in Europe and the US and are one of the most important trends in the plastics industry today. Glass fibers of ½” (12 mm) up to 2“ (50 mm) length give much higher stiffness, strength and toughness than the 1/8“ (3 mm) fibers that have been used for reinforcement for decades.

  • 03 Sept. 2011

    Der Dreh am Moment


    Der gleichsinning drehende Doppelschneckenextruder ZSK Mc¹⁸ besitzt mit 18 Nm/cm³ das höchste, derzeit am Markt verfügbare spezifische Drehmoment. Die damit erreichbare Durchsatzsteigerung um bis zu 30 % bietet eine noch höhere Wirtschaftlichkeit und eine weiter verbesserte Compoundqualität, ergänzt durch eine hohe Flexibilität in allen Einsatzgebieten.

  • 02 Sept. 2011

    Co-rotating Fully Intermeshing Twin-screw Compounding Extruders: Advancements for Improved Performance and Productivity

    ANTEC 2011

    The co-rotating fully intermeshing twin-screw extruder is the primary production unit for compounding of polymer based materials. It also has had a long term presence in processing material in the chemical and food industry and more recently in pharmaceuticals. While this equipment celebrated its 50th anniversary several years ago and might be considered a “mature” technology, it has not experienced a decline in new developments as might be expected, but rather a significant number of advancements continue to evolve. This paper will highlight several significant developments of the past 10 to 15 years.

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